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Minsk to host conference on intraocular tumors on 23-24 September


The Aleksandrov National Cancer Center of Belarus will host the first edition of the conference Ocular Oncology Update on September 23-24 during the European Head and Neck Cancer Early Diagnosis Week, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry.

Leading specialists of Belarus, experts from Russia and Europe will discuss advancements in diagnostics and treatment of intraocular tumors and adnexal tumors. “On the sidelines of the conference there will be sections on uveal melanoma and retinoblastoma - the most common intraocular tumors in adults and children. High-tech treatment methods such as stereotactic radiosurgery and intra-arterial chemotherapy will be discussed,” the ministry informed.

Ophthalmologists and oncologists of national healthcare institutions are invited to take part in the conference.

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Mogilev region administration