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Mogilev region: conducting centralized testing under control


In order to ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens at all points of centralized testing of the Mogilev region, the employees of the State Control Committee, together with other members of the commissions, organized control over the observance of the testing procedure, as well as the creation of proper sanitary and living conditions for applicants.

For applicants and their legal representatives in the State Control Committee of the Mogilev region during the testing period (from 06/16/2021 to 07/08/2021), the hotline will be organized: 8 (0222) 62-48-97, 62-47-73, 62-47-75 .

By the indicated telephones from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00 the inspectors can be informed about violations and shortcomings in the work of the organizational commissions of testing points.

Written by:

Mogilev region administration