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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
27 April 2021

Fair, concert programs and a special award of the regional executive committee - how they will celebrate May 1 in Mogilev

In Mogilev, a program of festive events dedicated to the Labor Day, which is traditionally celebrated on May 1, was approved. This was reported in the Mogilev City Executive Committee.

On May 1, the regional center will host an exhibition-fair of folk art of masters of decorative and applied arts, which will be open from 10.00 to 15.00. From 9.30 to 10.00 it will be possible to listen to the performance of the pop-wind orchestra of the Mogilev regional branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Later, at 10.00, a special award of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee in the social sphere will take place.

Creative groups and performer of cultural institutions "Palace of Culture of the Region" and "Mogilev Regional Philharmonic" will present guests with a concert program "May Day!" The creative teams of the children's art schools of the city, the Mogilev State College of Arts and the Mogilev State Gymnasium-College of Arts named after Yevgeny Glebov will present their creativity to the participants of the holiday - they will present the concert program “Youth. Creation. Unity". Performances will be held in an open area near the Palace of Culture of the region from 13.40 to 15.00.

A cultural and entertainment program will be held in the park area near MogilevAttractions with the participation of the teams of the Regional Center for Creativity and institutions of additional education in the city. The creative program will run from 11.00 to 15.00. Another concert program is prepared by creative teams and performers of cultural institutions, education and enterprises of Mogilev and the Mogilev region. It will be held at the site of the State Institution "Hockey Club Mogilev" from 12.00 to 15.00.

In the park of the 40th anniversary of Victory, the May holiday "In unity with the World!" Will be held, starting at 12.00. At the same time, the grand opening of the fountain season will take place with a concert and entertainment program "Spring and Labor Day" on the open area near the tourist and hotel complex "Mogilevtourist". “A cultural and entertainment program and a sports festival will be held at 21 Profsoyuznaya Street, and a concert and game program will be prepared at 12 Tsiolkovsky Street. They start at 12.00, ”the city executive committee noted.

Entertainment and concert events will take place on the territory of secondary schools No. 13, 17, 7, beginning at 12.00. An interactive youth platform will start working on Nepokorennykh Boulevard at 15.00.

The next day, May 2, in Mogilev, traditional evenings of relaxation will begin with live music in the park of the 40th anniversary of Victory.

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