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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
1 June 2021

Mogilev region from June to August will join the republican action "Holidays without smoke and fire"

What should summer be like? The formula for an ideal summer is simple and straightforward: summer should be sunny, tasty, cheerful, airy and…. the most important thing is SAFE.

Who is most at risk of getting into an emergency during the summer? Of course, children. Indeed, during the holidays, most of the time they are left to themselves. As a result, the risk of fires increases significantly due to children's pranks with fire, as well as the death of children in water bodies. In order to prevent such emergencies, deaths and injuries of children, as well as conduct educational work in the field of life safety with the younger generation in the region from June to August, a republican action "Holidays without smoke and fire" is held.

According to Olga Nekhoroshikh, the senior inspector of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations , the action will be held in school and summer health camps during the holidays. The program is rich and diverse: thematic quest games, sportslands, theatrical performances, demonstration of educational videos, cartoons, various contests and quizzes, discussion of thematic situational tasks, online quizzes and online master classes. In addition, it is planned to train employees and personnel on duty at children's health and school camps in fire safety rules.

On June 21, Belarus celebrates a holiday - Father's Day. Rescuers invite dads to create their own “safe” pedigree book, as well as a “safe” culinary masterpiece with their children, find creativity in themselves: sing a “hit of safety” and prepare an “incendiary” dance by organizing video filming of these exciting activities.

May the summer be safe!

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