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Mogilev Regional Executive Committee
7 October 2021

Lukashenko calls to take stock of Belarus-Venezuela relations

It is time to take stock of the relations between Belarus and Venezuela and build even stronger cooperation, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Venezuela president's special envoy Adan Chavez Frias in Minsk on 7 October, BelTA has learned.

“Belarus knows very well and remembers its friend - your brother [Adan Chavez Frias is the elder brother of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez]. It's good that you came at this time. We have something to talk about, issues we need to discuss. I want to say that it is not about the sanctions against Venezuela and Belarus. We have a very serious, powerful framework of our cooperation created in the days of Hugo Chavez,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. "Frankly, both Venezuela and Belarus are not making a great use of the advantages that were created many years ago."

According to the head of state, the countries have something to rely on in order to counteract any attacks today. "We are determined to act in this direction. I think it is time we took stock of our relationship and built an even stronger one. It is strange that our cooperation in trade and economy is meager. Yet, Belarus needs everything that Venezuela has to offer. What Belarus manufactures is needed in Venezuela,” the president noted. "We need to draw up a plan to boost our relationship and implement it in the next two to three years."

Adan Chavez, for his part, said that it is always a great honor for him to meet with the Belarusian president and thanked him for supporting the Venezuelan state. "Be sure that the Venezuelan people have the same feelings towards the Belarusian people. Mr. Maduro says a big hello to you. Our attitude towards the Belarusian people has not changed, since the majority of the Venezuelan people are the Chavez supporters. They have exactly the same love for you," the special envoy said.

Adan Chavez Frias is currently paying a visit to Belarus. He is set to meet with Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova and Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly Vladimir Andreichenko. The special representative of the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is expected to deliver a lecture “Ideas of Bolivar and Chavez today” at Belarusian State University. Adan Chavez Frias is also set to take part in a ceremony to open the Transatlantic Art Message exhibition at the National Library of Belarus.

Adan Chavez visited Belarus in October 2017 as part of the government delegation accompanying Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro.

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